Making Time for Grief

Making Time for Grief

In Montana, on the top of a mountain at Feather Piped Ranch in Helena, MT. I meditated with this tree for an hour. She told me her stories of the wind. She sang to me. She comforted me. I wept. She rooted down, not bound by my chronos time.  We had all the time we...
How Important is your Yoga Mat?

How Important is your Yoga Mat?

What Kind of Yoga Mat? One of the most common questions I get as a yoga teacher is, “What kind of yoga mat should I use?” This is such a personal preference, and this blog is not really a shopping guide. It’s more about the deeply profound relationship you will...


The Flow of Vinyasa I experience my body moving and my breath flowing. I come back to this moment, so full of movement and at the same time so still.  My mind becomes focused— like a laser beam and the distractions fade into the background like white noise- no longer...
The Practice of Tonglen

The Practice of Tonglen

What is Tonglen? I’ve been using this technique after a hurtful situation with someone. I hope it helps you too. The following practice is inspired from one of my Pema Chodron books, Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change. Tonglen is a core practice for...

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